Capturing Emotions in 3D Printed Objects

In order to explore ways to create objects that can communicate emotive character, I've created a technique for converting eeg signals into 3D-printable patterns and printed some baskets with patterns. This past year I've been exploring ways to create an affect-based computation tool. Through these projects, I've learned that emotions can be measured in various ways.

In this project, I am using the DEAP dataset (, a multimodal dataset for the analysis of human affective states.

In this project, I am using the DEAP dataset (, a multimodal dataset for the analysis of human affective states.

Arousal values are used to control the height and valence values are used to control the control points of Bezier curves.

Arousal values are used to control the height and valence values are used to control the control points of Bezier curves.

The surface morph was done with the patterns that I have created in the above step. Notice that curve shape changes depending on input arousal and valence values.

The surface morph was done with the patterns that I have created in the above step. Notice that curve shape changes depending on input arousal and valence values.

This is a test print of small baskets.

This is a test print of small baskets.

I hope to continue this work to do surface morphing onto shapes created using Bezier curves while preserving the patterns of emotional line.

I hope to continue this work to do surface morphing onto shapes created using Bezier curves while preserving the patterns of emotional line.